500 Days Without A Recordable Injury
Reinforcing a commitment to individual safety, health and communication.
When Protech began planning and implementing our safety management system, we envisaged one dedicated to workplace illness and injury prevention, a system that would assist in keeping all employees safe daily.
The Directors and management acknowledge this accomplishment means that Protech employees have gone above and beyond to create a culture of workplace safety. Through reinforcing a commitment to individual safety, health, and communication, Protech is leading the way in workplace safety by demonstrating outstanding practices.
Managing Director, Rick Brinkman, said, “Accountability and trust have played a large role in the company’s success.”
Holding everyone accountable for personal safety, reviewing the existing safety program, and fine-tuning it to fit the culture of the company and the needs of the employees has contributed to these safe working days.
This accomplishment speaks volumes to the safety culture at Protech, both on and off-site, and we want to continue this streak of days worked without an injury.
What Does It Mean for Protech to Reach This Milestone?
Protech offers a consistently safe work environment where people can come to work with peace of mind.
Our 500 safe days didn’t happen by accident. We achieved this through a dedicated cultural shift in our focus and desire to work safely every day. with a shared goal to make sure every Protech employee returns home in the same condition they arrived. This dedication is the driving force behind our success.